SARPD OIL relied on ADventure offshore Successfully provide full Ghanaian maintenance crew in support of drydocking repairs and maintenance of the MT MARINE OIL 1 at Walvis BAY

Swiss based ABCMARITIME AG relied on ADventure offshore for 10 years as a preferred crewing partner in her fleet expansion of offshore and ocean going vessels, and to Successfully provide full ratings , junior and senior deck and engine officers , recruitment and crewing support of full ratings and junior engine and deck officers for the 300,000 DWT FSU MT WESTAF operated by ABCmaritime AG.

Posh offshore relied on ADventure offshore to Successfully provide crew management services for full Ghanaian crew compliment for the AHTS MV posh resolve AND PSV posh Sincero during their contracts with ENI in Congo and Ghana.
Excellent track record crew managing 14 diverse offshore vessels owned and operated by ABCMARITIME AG.

Carisbrooke shipping ltd, based in the UK and operator of geared MPP type bulk carriers globally relied on ADventure offshore Ltd to provide recruitment and crewing services for class 1 chief engineers for 10 MPP type vessels. Recently on a charter with a mining client in Ghana, Carisbrooke again called on ADventure to provide deck and engine stores procurement, full deck and engine ratings, a chief engineer, coded pipe fitters for her operation and drydocking repairs.

ADventure Offshore was Retained for more than a year, by vessel owners (NORDEN GABON A/S) Technically managed by SHIELD SERVICES SRL. as a full crew manager on a Bimco Crewman 2009 lumpsum contract for 4 tug and barge combo engaged in the towage and transshipment of manganese in Gabon for a reputable European mining firm.